Horse Riding Sunshine Coast

How To Tell If A Horse Riding Sunshine Coast Instructor Is Right For Your Child If your child has developed a liking for horses, most often than not, one of their desires would be learning how to ride the horses, proper riding ability and even more. As such, it would be good to get them into one of the horse riding Sunshine Coast camps where they will get to fulfill their desires. However, you need to know if it is possible to find the right horse riding camp. But never be too sure that all instructors are the same.  And such, it is imperative first to do a background check to ascertain that the instructor is fit for your child. Having it said, let us now look at some of the ways you can tell if the horse riding Sunshine Coast instructor is the right choice for you young one; Find out if they are great listeners Children love to be heard. The right instructor is one who is patient and never gets tired listening to what children have to say. To find out more about the abil

Horse Riding Brisbane

Fun Horse Riding Brisbane That Your Child Can Do During School Holidays

Children are very curious people; they always want to know how things work. And you will always see the sparkle in their eyes when they get to learn something new. Truth be told, children always look forward to school holidays activities as they get time to chill and have fun.  As well as spend time with their friends and family. Well, all parents can attest to the fact that they are not comfortable when their children stay glued on the TV or their phones for the whole day. And for this reason, we will be looking at some of the fun horse riding Brisbane activities your child can engage in at the horse riding camps during the school holidays;
  1. How to equip a horse

Equipping a horse, otherwise known as tacking up a horse is one of the first things that your child will get to learn. It involves knowing how and where to place all forms of the tack such as saddle, stirrups, breastplates, harnesses, and so on. Learning how to do this is vital as it is part of the safety measures in horse riding Brisbane.
  1. How to ride a horse

The main interest of your child when they join a horse riding camp often is to learn how to ride a horse. And indeed, this is one of the things that is taught in the horse riding Brisbane camps. Your child will get to know how to start and stop the horse. While on horseback and as well as while on the ground. And this will involve learning some cues, both verbal and physical. At first, they will be taught how to ride a horse at a walking pace. This, in turn, helps your little one learn how to control the horse around corners. After your child grasps how to control the pony, they then move to learn how to trot.
  1. Changing positions while in the saddle

Another thing that your child will learn is how to change positions while in the saddle. Trainers teach about the seating and standing positions only after they see that your child has mastered the art of riding a horse in the trotting pace. The change of position from a sitting to a standing position is known as posting. Learning how to move while in the saddle heightens the whole experience and makes it fun.
  1. How to groom a horse

The horse also needs some TLC (tender love and care), and in horse riding Brisbane camps, this is one of the things that is taught. As part of the program, the trainers will teach your child how to clean the horse as well as how to groom it. Your child will learn about the specific brushes used to clean and groom different parts of the horse. Also, they will be taught how to clean the horse’s hooves and to how to check if the horse is in perfect condition or not. This horse care program also teaches children about good health even on their own body.


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