
Showing posts from October, 2019

Horse Riding Sunshine Coast

How To Tell If A Horse Riding Sunshine Coast Instructor Is Right For Your Child If your child has developed a liking for horses, most often than not, one of their desires would be learning how to ride the horses, proper riding ability and even more. As such, it would be good to get them into one of the horse riding Sunshine Coast camps where they will get to fulfill their desires. However, you need to know if it is possible to find the right horse riding camp. But never be too sure that all instructors are the same.  And such, it is imperative first to do a background check to ascertain that the instructor is fit for your child. Having it said, let us now look at some of the ways you can tell if the horse riding Sunshine Coast instructor is the right choice for you young one; Find out if they are great listeners Children love to be heard. The right instructor is one who is patient and never gets tired listening to what children have to say. To find out more about the abil

Pony Camp For Kids

The Benefits of Sending Your Child to a Pony Camp for Kids Spending time with horses provides a plethora of benefits for children and adults alike. In fact, horse riding is even recognised to have therapeutic qualities that alleviate stress and promote good psychological well-being. This is why sending your child to a pony camp for kids can be one of the best investments you can make towards their development. What are Pony Camps? These camps are for children offering them the chance to spend time with and around one of nature’s most magnificent animals — horses. Some common activities include learning how to care for and ride horses and ponies safely , as well as games that improve the child’s balance and coordination. There are many advantages to sending your child to a pony camp. In this post, we’ll be sharing the best ones. Let’s get started. 1. Improves health and fitness Sending your child to a pony camp for kids is a great way to get him or her off the sofa and ou